Uncommon Orchid Species Oerstedella schweinfurthiana. Gorgeous Flowers!

Oerstedella schweinfurthiana (syn Epidendendrum schweinfurthianum). Deflasked October 2021 and well rooted in 2" pots. These easy to grow Epidendrum relatives have amazing 1" flowers with sepals and petals that are bluish-purple on the back and orange-red to bronze and a bluish-purple lip. Flowers develop in bunches of 4-10 flowers in the fall-winter. Mature plants produce wispy, flexible stems that can EASILY REACH 10 FEET LONG. Don't be too frightened by the length, the plant is pretty wispy and won't hurt other plants as it meanders through your growing space. Care: cool-warm temps, indirect-bright indirect light, regular watering and fertilizer spring-fall and let dry between light waterings in the winter.
