SAFAVIEH Monaco Collection MNC222F Multi Rug

The Monaco Collection makes a bold, resounding statement in restyling timeless mythical and classic motifs in avant-garde modern, flamboyantly colored floor coverings. The Monaco Collection offers a wide selection of styles, designs and colors and constructed of durable, easy-care synthetic fiber. From radiant rainbows to hip bohemian erased-weave looks, Monaco area rugs will enliven any dcor in your home. Rug has an approximate thickness of 0.5 inches.For over 100 years, SAFAVIEH has set the standard for finely crafted rugs and home furnishings. From coveted fresh and trendy designs to timeless heirloom-quality pieces, expressing your unique personal style has never been easier. Begin your rug, furniture, lighting, outdoor, and home decor search on eBay and discover over 100,000 SAFAVIEH.
