SAFAVIEH Heritage HG628C Handmade Red / Black Rug

The Heritage Collection is comprised of finely crafted rugs that will invigorate any space with rich, luscious detailing, vibrant textures and colors that will illuminate the room. Every rug is hand-tufted of pure wool with a strong cotton backing making these traditionally styled rugs both beautiful and durable. Rug has an approximate thickness of 0.5 inches.For over 100 years, SAFAVIEH has set the standard for finely crafted rugs and home furnishings. From coveted fresh and trendy designs to timeless heirloom-quality pieces, expressing your unique personal style has never been easier. Begin your rug, furniture, lighting, outdoor, and home decor search on eBay and discover over 100,000 SAFAVIEH products today.
