Cascade Books Worshiping Politics: Problems And Practices For A Public Faith

It is not a secret that the political system in the United States is broken. Unfortunately, many Christians are ambivalent about, or worse yet, contributors to that dysfunction. Many know they should do something but don't know what to do or how to do it. Drawing on insights from history, theology, and culture, Worshiping Politics reframes the relationship between faith and politics as one of intentional formation instead of divisive decision-making. When we focus on how we are formed as people and the church in relationship to our various communities instead of what we think and believe in relation to culture and society, it changes the way we engage the world. Unlearning our faulty emphasis on the power of our own intellect and learning how to be formed in grace and love for the world through our everyday lives just might make a different kind of politics possible. Everyone is political. The problem is that few of us have openly sought to think through why we believe what we do. Luke Goble does a great job of joining Scripture with our emotionally charged political ideas in order to honor Christ. This is a much-needed tool in a time when so many seem to lack disciplined discernment. --Chuck Bomar, Pastor, Colossae Church, Portland; author of Serving Local Schools: Bring Christ's Compassion to the Core of Your Community Drawing from a wide array of sources and academic disciplines, Goble lays a strong foundation for 'debating, negotiating, and pursuing the good of a particular community' (his definition of 'political'). . . . Those wanting to learn how to think about politics and how to embody Christian virtue will find a most valuable resource. --Steven Tracy, Professor of Theology and Ethics, Phoenix Seminary and co-author of Forever and Always: The Art of Intimacy Luke Goble has been my favorite conversation partner on faith and politics. At a time when America is dividedR03; as ever, I'm so glad this book can now share his insightsR03; with the world. Worshiping Politics mines the riches of Christian tradition, in conversation with modern social science, to give us not quick fixes or cheap answers to our R03;intractable political problems, but rather vibrant R03;paradigms and ways of thinking for how followers of Jesus can justly embody our proclamation that he is Lord in the public life of the world. --Joshua Ryan Butler, Pastor, Imago Dei, Portland; author of The Skeletons in God's Closet and The Pursuing God Luke J. Goble is Associate Professor of History and Humanities at Warner Pacific College in Portland, Oregon. He is a foster and adoptive parent and advocate for vulnerable children and families.