Random House Trade Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama : A Memoir

New York Times Bestseller, In this essential (Entertainment Weekly), hilarious (Av Club) memoir, the star of Mr. Show, Breaking Bad, and Better Call Saul opens up about the highs and lows of showbiz, his cult status as a comedy writer, and what it's like to reinvent himself as an action film ass-kicker at fifty. I can't think of another entertainer who has improbably morphed so many times, and all through real genius and determination. Conan O'BrienONE Of The Best Books Of The Year- The New Yorker, Vulture, NewsweekBob Odenkirk's career is inexplicable. And yet he will try like hell to explicate it for you. Charting a Homeric decades-long odyssey from his origins in the seedy comedy clubs of Chicago to a dramatic career full of award nominations, with a side-trip into the action-man world that is baffling to all who know him, it's almost like there are many Bob Odenkirks! But there is just one and one is plenty. Bob embraced a life in comedy after a chance meeting with Second City's legendary Del Close. He somehow made his way to a job as a writer at Saturday Night Live. While surviving that legendary gauntlet by the skin of his gnashing teeth, he stashed away the secrets of comedy writing, eventually employing them in the immortal.