Howard Books Humor For A Mom's Heart : Stories, Quips, And Quotes To Lift The Heart

Being a mom is a roller-coaster ride of exhilarating joys and pull-out-your-hair frustrations. Sometimes a sweet infusion of humor is just what you need to lift your heart to new heights, to heal the hurts of a bad day, or to instill your soul with inspiration. Samplings from some of your favorite authors -- including Patsy Clairmont, Martha Bolton, Dave Meurer, Nancy Kennedy, and many more -- will energize any worn-out mom and remind you of the joys of motherhood. Take a deep breath, inhale the joy, soak up the merriment, and you'll surely find that your heart is lighter, your day brighter, and your soul hilariously refreshed. Just the thing to brighten Mom's day! With contributions from authors such as Chonda Pierce, Mark Lowry, Martha Bolton, and others, this collection of stories is sure to amuse and inspire. The perfect way to relax and enjoy a little peace after a crazy, stressed-out day or get energized for the days ahead! 256 pages, softcover.